Poor indoor air quality can result in significant adverse impacts on our health and environment. We wanted to take some time during the COVID-19 pandemic to clarify what air filters can and cannot do for you. There has been a lot of misunderstanding and disinformation about the condition. Many individuals are taking advantage of this opportunity to sell fraudulent cures. Some are even making absurd claims about air filtration systems, which we chose to refute for our friends and clients because it is our area of expertise.

Adhering to scientific professionals is the most crucial thing you can do. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are regularly updating their websites with fresh information about the COVID-19 problem. 

Their guidelines for social distance and hygiene are critical for everyone to adopt in order to safeguard our society’s most vulnerable people.


Here Basic Information on Indoor Air Quality and How Implications on Health and It’s Control


What Can Air Filters Do To Improve The Your Indoor Air Quality?

To keep your air clean, air filters may catch a number of contaminants. No air filter, on the other hand, can consistently trap coronavirus in the air. Viruses are incredibly tiny, measuring less than 1 micron in diameter. Even the most sophisticated filters will not be able to capture anything so little. 

They can, however, trap a variety of typical air contaminants! Some filters with a higher MERV rating can even collect germs and cigarette smoke particles. Even if it can’t detect small viruses, this does a lot to make your air healthier.

Furthermore, the virus is most likely to be transmitted through personal contact with an infected individual or by droplets on a surface. There’s nothing an air filter can do about it.

What Are Air Filters and How Do They Work?

Air filters are divided into two categories. The most prevalent is known as HEPA. These filters are based on the same fundamental principles as many other filters you may be familiar with in everyday life. Instead of a small sheet of paper sifting coffee grounds, the air is filtered by a few inches of microscopic fiberglass particles braided together.

UV is the second important one, which is normally present in a smaller scale. The term comes from the usage of UV light. This type of light has antibacterial and antiviral characteristics, and it can even destroy bacteria and viruses. The technology has been used in hospitals for a few years, but it is now being employed in private homes.

What Does “Healthy Air” Mean to You?

A good air filtration system may still do a lot for your respiratory health! Every year, pollution causes millions of fatalities. According to the WHO, 90 percent of the world’s population breathes filthy air on a daily basis. Unfortunately, simply entering a building does not guarantee that you will be inhaling pollutant-free air. You do, however, have the ability to make your house more like that with the correct setup.

Is Using Air Filters the Only Option?

Every day, air filters are your first line of protection. You should use them every month or two and replace them. They can’t, however, catch everything. Unfortunately, with time, filth and grime build up in your air ducts. As a result, your air filters will have to work harder, resulting in lower indoor air quality.

We can, fortunately, clean your air ducts for you. This means your allergies will be exposed to fewer airborne irritants. It also means cleaner, more pleasant-smelling air around your home. Finally, the cleanliness of your air has an influence on the cleanliness of your home. Ducts are frequently used to bring dust in before it settles on your furniture. Overall, any product that claims to entirely protect you from the coronavirus should be viewed with caution. The only way to do so is to follow the CDC’s and WHO’s guidelines and safeguards.

Be skeptical of any product that claims to cure coronavirus or protect you from it. The easiest approach to do so is to follow the CDC and WHO’s recommendations for social distance. Having said that, breathing cleaner, healthier air will only assist your immune system. In the same way that someone with asthma might have severe symptoms if they’re in a smoke-filled room, poor indoor air quality can affect your respiratory health.

To arrange an appointment with Hilux Duct Cleaning , call us at (03) 9968 1816. When it comes to servicing your Ducts, our Duct cleaning professionals take the highest care. Use our zip code locator to find a licensed Duct Cleaning professional in your area.